Thursday 11 November 2021

Trumpeter 1:35 AS90

Usually I can bang one of these out to a decent standard in a couple of days but this one was a real slog. I started it back in May and half way through lost all enthusiasm for it. It's not a good kit, the plastic is low quality and it's not all that accurate. In the end I skipped on the last few fiddly bits and slapped it with some paint just to get it out of my sight.

Having done that, I now regret it because a paint malfunction caused it to dry in uneven tones and it actually looks brilliant. This kit is more than the sum of its parts and it's a cheap way to fill the gap for a large self propelled gun. This is not a small vehicle.

This is the first time I've tried oil paint weathering on a vehicle and it really has worked. There's nothing better for rain streaking than a mucky blend of black, brown and white. I will probably revisit this one because there's a masterpiece hiding in this somewhere. If someone else releases a version of the AS90 I will jump at it because it can't possibly be worse than Trumpeters effort. I am quite surprised to be saying this. 

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